2017 Winter Storage

A lease was signed for in-the-water storage for the winter. Most boats get put “on the hard” for winter, but keeping boats in the water for winter is not unusual. The plan was to get the diesel engine running so the boat could be moved under her own power come Spring. If work was to be done on the engine the boat had to be in the water; a running diesel takes in sea water. There were four other boats in the water at the marina, only two others at the same dock.

The lease agreement promise access to shore power 24/7. The shore power would provide a heater to the engine room and electricity for power tools while working on the engine. So optimistic!

Hindsight is 20/20. The last two winters had been exceedingly mild which factored into the decision for in-the-water storage. The winter of 2017-2018 was to be quite different.

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