Spotting is very important.

Bobbi is wobbly. If she were to do some of the balance exercises herself, she would definitely fall down. The spotter’s hands should be no more than 4 inches from Bobbi during the balance routines, ready to catch her in an instant.

All routines were filmed in September 2021.

Calf Extensions


Stand with hands on chair back for support. Keep back straight. Stand up on toes, then lower heels to floor.

Sink or Chair Squats


This exercise can be done at the kitchen sink or bar stool (chair).

With feet slightly apart, bend knees, then stand up. GO SLOW to work the quadriceps.

Couch Sit Squats


Use the small couch (white love seat) as illustrated in video.

Sit on couch. With heels against back of couch, stand up. Push off with your hands if you have to, but ultimately you want to get up on your own.

Chair Toe Touch


With hands on back of chair, lift foot up and touch foot rest, return foot, then alternate with the other foot.

Do this for ten steps, rest, repeat at least once more. Second set should be at slower pace than first set.

Forward Steps


Move step so it is perpendicular to wall as pictured.

Step up on to step, stand on step with both feet, then step off. Alternate legs (if stepping up with left leg, step off with right leg). Turn around and do it again the other way, stepping up with the .

Alternate leading leg each time (don’t always step up with same leg).

Side Steps


Move step so it is perpendicular to the wall.

Step up from side, step down on same side. Ten steps each side is one set. Try to do two steps.

Do not lean heavily on counter top for support. Very light touch with hands, if using hands at all.

Step Toe Touch



Move step up against wall. Put foot on step, keep it there, then slowly raise arms up into the air, hold, then lower.

Repeat with other foot. Do only twice per foot.

Toe Heel


Place one foot in front of the other, as if walking a tightrope. Do not use hands to hold on to counter top. Hold for five seconds, if possible.

Alternate feet (other foot is leading). Do only twice per foot.

Eyes Closed


  1. Stand looking forward, back straight. Do not hold on to counter top.
  2. Close eyes. Hold.
  3. Open eyes, look up at ceiling, then down at floor several times.
  4. Repeat with eyes closed.
  5. Open eyes. Look left, then right, several times.
  6. Repeat with eyes closed.